Bored cast-in-place pile
Bored cast-in-place pile construction is a cost-efficient solution which is used widely for constructing high-rise buildings worldwide. In Vietnam, Dua Fat is proud of being one of the brand offering the best methods of execution and possessing the best pile constructing techniques. These highlights contribute to the development of Dua Fat’s brand as one of the most reliable foundation construction companies.
Bored cast-in-place piles are piles where the removal of spoil forms a hole for a reinforced concrete pile which is poured in situ, using the hole drilling method.
Bored cast-in-place piles are used to reinforce the driven piles and to link the foundation, keeping the construction stable.

The steps of execution include:
- Step 1: Prepare construction plan, assemble machinery, equipment…
- Step 2: Install Bentonite pumping system, driller, electric generator…
- Step 3: Locate the borehole
- Step 4: Lower the casing
- Step 5: Drill the holes using specialized drillers – pump Bentonite fluid into the hole constantly during the procedure.
- Step 6: Clean the boreholes.
- Step 7: Lower the steel cage – clean the boreholes again if needed
- Step 8: Lower the Tremie pipe – concreting the pile.
- Step 9: Remove the steel casing.

Bored cast-in-place pile construction on the sea
Bored cast-in-place piles are widely used due to some of the advantages:
- This solution has higher durability, 1.2 times compared to others.
- Using drilling and tube techniques, bored piles can be placed into hard layers of ground. Besides, they can ensure the depth of the pile shoes much better than that of the precast piles, providing higher bearing capacity.
- Vibrations from constructions become smaller, thus it does not cause surrounding protrusion, avoid pushing the cast piles.
- Can be used for large constructions with high bearing capacity. Additionally, it can be constructed on the ground having complicated geology.
- Do not affect the surrounding constructions, can be executed in the crowded residence, adjacent buildings, houses facing the roads, villas. Can be used to reinforce weak home foundations and executed in narrow alleys.
- Bored cast-in-place pile construction creates continuous concrete, increase the durability and bearing capacity of the foundation.
- Using this solution can help reduce 20% – 30% the cost of foundation constructing.