In August 17th, Joint Stock Company of Đua Fat welcomed FC Lao Tuong Ha Dong in the framework of sports exchanges on Ha Dong Stadium.
FC Lao Tuong Ha Dong – They are strong, many former national players such as Cong Tuyen, Duc Thang, Mr Vuong.

The weather was comfortable for a friendly match, the two teams entered the match with a fairly high pace after the “diplomatic” procedure of giving Dua Fat’s rotating flag.

Still appreciating the FC of the competitor, Dua Fat has exhausted from the first minutes of the match, a truly pressure match.
The midfielder Trung Hai scored the first goal in the 15′, Dua Fat had a pretty open ball game with FC Lao Tuong.

At 32′, Manh Dong put the score up to 2-0. From the assist on the left, Van Thinh, center back and defender on the side of FC Lao Tuong were quite confused in handling.

Coming to the 2nd half, Dua Fat team realizes that the strength of their team was somewhat worn out, Dua Fat increased and pushed the score to 5-0 by Si Huy and the young striker 17.

FC Lao Tuong Ha Dong displayed an experience, persistent age when the game was still distributed at the end of the game. Ending the match with a score of 1-5, FC Dua Fat has certainly learned a lot about how to distribute fitness to the players, especially with the competitions in the boiling hot weather like today.